Rescue birds in pa
Rescue birds in pa


Patricia Scott from North Central Florida on January 30, 2012: It is extremely difficult to care for, not to mention, it is illegal in the U.S.ĭo call a wildlife rehabilitator as soon as possible! It can aspirate liquids and drown or develop pneumonia.ĭo wash your hands with soap after handling it.ĭo not try to keep the bird. It can drown in even a small amount of water. An injured bird can be completely out of kilter. Use a cardboard box instead.ĭo provide water, but in an extremely shallow dish, such as an upside-down jar lid. The wire bars can cause damage to the feathers and injure the animal. A tight hold around their body can suffocate them.ĭo not put it in a cage.

rescue birds in pa

Birds have no diaphragm and, therefore, use their chest muscles to breath. Wait 24-48 hours, unless the rehabber tells you otherwise.ĭo handle it as gently as possible and only when necessary. This can be traumatizing.ĭo not feed a bird that is in shock. If the bird is suffering from hyperthermia (overheating), this step is not needed.ĭo not play with the bird, even if it seems "friendly." Shock can make it act unafraid.ĭo resist the temptation of showing the animal to others.


Also, keep in mind that their license probably does not allow them to display birds, so please don't ask to see the other birds at the facility.ĭo keep the bird as calm as possible in a quiet, dark place.ĭo not handle the bird any more than the bare minimum.ĭo keep the animal warm (but not hot). In fact, the rehabilitator is often footing all of the costs him or herself, so please be kind and appreciative. In most cases, it is not a paid position. Keep in mind that most wildlife rehabilitators are volunteers that are doing this out of the kindness of their hearts. Many licensed rehabilitators do not list themselves in the phone book, so finding the closest one to you might take a few calls or a little research.


How to Find a Wild Bird Center or Rehabilitator Get on the phone or go online and find a licensed wild bird rehabilitator.If the box is too small to accommodate both a bottle and a bird, setting the bottle against one side of the box is the next best thing. Wrap the bottle in a towel and place it next to the bird, inside the box. If you have no heating pad, fill a plastic bottle with hot water (not boiling, just hot).Do not put the heating pad into the box as this could be too warm. This way the bird could move on or off the heat source as needed. If you have a heating pad, set it on low and place it under half of the box.Total darkness will help the bird stay calm, so keep it in a dark closet, storage room, or extra bathroom.Again, you want the bird to be able to remain as calm as possible any chance of healing will depend on it. Now, place the box in a quiet location.If the box has a lid, like a shoebox, it is fine to use it, as long as there are a few small holes for air. Cover the box with a towel or an old sweatshirt (something a little bit heavy).You want the animal to remain fairly still, so the size of the box should be somewhat cozy. Do not use fabric with loops like terry cloth, as little toes can become hopelessly tangled. Put the bird into a small cardboard box lined with paper towels or fabric.How to Provide a Dark and Quiet Place for the Bird Stress and shock are both preventable, but they are common causes of death in the first 24-48 hours.

rescue birds in pa

Wildlife Works, Inc.The three most important and immediate provisions for stabilizing injured wildlife are as follows: quiet, darkness, and warmth. John Ashby Marshall, Moon Township – mammals, passerines (songbirds, water fowl, and woodpeckers), and raptors (hawks, owls, falcons, eagles, and vultures) Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh Wildlife Center, Verona – mammals, passerines (songbirds, water fowl, and woodpeckers), raptors (hawks, owls, falcons, eagles, and vultures), rabies-vector species (raccoons, skunks, bats, groundhogs, coyotes, and foxes), endangered species, and native reptiles and amphibians If you do need to contact a wildlife rehabilitator, please do so from the list below: Greater Pittsburgh Area If you find wildlife that appears injured or distressed, please first make sure they are indeed in need of help. Return AZA Standards at the Pittsburgh Zoo.Pittsburgh Zoo Starting AZA Accreditation Process.Restricting Wild Bird Trapping & Selling.

Rescue birds in pa