I look up a playthrough and see the person doing the same thing as me, but it works for them. * Then in another part of the game you get these explosive things to follow you, and you've done it a dozen times already so you know how it works, but then this one just isn't working. And I'm regularly experiencing problems with bash not working properly. I knew how it works from the previous game, but when I got the "shoot the fireball then bash to reach higher" part it wasn't working and I had to look at a playthrough to determine that I just needed to keep trying till it finally worked right. * I experienced something similar with bash. A similar issue with jumping - I have triple jump but when dashing out of water during a race I only have 1 jump. Did they simply do a bad job in the beta/playthrough testing, or did they actually want mundane parts of the game to be demanding such precision? * The hook doesn't work many times when it seems like it should. * Having to do mundane/tedious things over and over because. I didn't step far enough the first time and ended up going back for 30 minutes through the previous parts of the map trying to figure out where to go. Eg: * At one point there is no way to continue, but unbeknownst to you you have to step far enough in one direction to trigger a cut scene that will allow you to continue.

There are lots of little things that make it a lot worse than the first game. I had to look up a playthrough on youtube only to see that someone very good at the game barely survives as well, and that the fight indeed makes little sense. What you're supposed to do is very unintuitive.

It seems to be going in the direction of "really hard = fun", and generally doesn't make sense. I'm disappointed at the first "boss fight" with the massive wolf. It's more "alive" in both visuals and audibles. So they don't make you run around a dark maze the whole game like HK does. In Ori they're 100% preference since the map reveals itself as you explore anyway. In Hollow Knight the maps are 100% necessary.
Ori and the will of the wisps interactive map upgrade#
The upgrade and ability system is very similar to HK. There are way more abilities than the previous Ori. I enjoyed playing the first Ori multiple times, but this is not a game I'll be playing again. Thankfully it's nowhere near as bad as Hollow Knight, but it's certainly a lot worse than the first Ori. The upgrade and ability system is very This sequel is much more combat focused, and seems to have taken many aspects from Hollow Knight. This sequel is much more combat focused, and seems to have taken many aspects from Hollow Knight.